WideLens is two people. We’re the crew, the directors, the producers, the editors and the musicians. Everything is done in house.
It makes for a personal experience that clients appreciate.


In April 2021, we celebrated 10 years in business!
Thank you to Inside of Knoxville for the terrific article about where we’ve been and what’s next.

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Before WideLens, Amy K. Gibson earned a Ph.D in Sociology and public policy. She also studied the fine arts. During her career she worked both in academia and the non-profit sector. She now combines her previous passions with videography.
In between, she’s dedicated to the swim/bike/run, (always happy to finish).


Bob Deck has an established career in marketing and advertising. He’s a respected musician, you’ll hear him on every soundtrack in our work. He’s a voracious consumer of media and always in search of new ideas.

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